Friday, September 20, 2013

When you are down and out and your back is against the wall... who you gonna call?

A very dear friend of mine wrote a public note to me on my facebook page.  He was really trying to encourage me as he noted with insight that I would soon be affected by those around me.  His note came at a time when I was going through a very hard time in my life and fell hard and flat on my back and people started treating me differently... badly if you will.  It would not be even one week later of his writing to me that I would encounter a serious betrayal, as one who I trusted and confided in would turn around and stabbed me in my back and kicked me while I was down, and then others who I thought were with me would soon prove they were not.  I would soon find out however, that God had a few people in my corner, just a few, and they were the very ones I overlooked.  Please read the note from my friend.

Make sure that in this life you take careful examination of the people who are with you, not when you are up and about your usual independent and celebrity status days, but when you are down and out and when your back is against the wall. For these people are the ones who are secure in their own self worth to recognize when someone else is more than what they do or what they own; you know, those superficial things that in reality do not make a person who they are.

And when you are through examining these people, you do what I do. CLEAN OUT YOUR PERSONAL SPACE of those superficial and self-worthlessness people who can only identify and associate with you when things are happening for you! I personally would total them off, but I know sweet little YOU will go ahead and forgive them. But whatever you do Dione, you remember who were with you when you were down.

Because sadly enough, check this. Who we really and truly are is what is left when we lose our title, status and property. The place we all hit at the bottom when we lose our footing, where the ground is level and no other person is higher or lower than any. That place will reveal our true identity.

I don't usually write much on fb, but thought I needed to say this to you as I watch and observe your transitions. And I dare say, you do have a few genuine people who love and really care about you no matter what stage you are in your life. Cherish those and forget the rest! 

Maybe you who are going through a very rough time in your life can use these few lines to assess those around you and know who are with you and who's not.  You'd be surprised that those who say they are with you are certainly not.  But be encouraged, turn your situation to God and He will meet you at that very place where you are, if even through a few angels you'll call friends.

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